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Degree mobility programmes

UdL students who wish to study at another university 

The International Relations Office provides information and guidance, and manages the academic mobility programmes and the funding that enable students to study at another university without giving up their status as UdL students.

 The Erasmus Programme

This programme enables students to study for one or two semesters at higher education institutions in the European Union and other affiliated countries. The UdL has signed mobility agreements with over 180 European universities. The Erasmus Programme also enables students to gain work experience for a given period of time at a company or organisation in another European country.

 The UdL Mobility Programme

This programme enables academic mobility with universities in countries outside of Europe, such as Mexico, the United States, Canada and Chile.

Know all about the UdL Mobility Programme http://www.udl.es/ca/serveis/ori/estudiantat/mobilitat_udl/

 The SICUE Programme

The Exchange System between Universities in Spain (SICUE) is a programme inspired by the Erasmus experience and facilitates exchanges between students from Spanish universities.

At the International Relations Office (ORI) website, you will also find information about other international programmes, such as the double degree programmes.

Know all about SICUE http://www.udl.es/ca/serveis/ori/estudiantat/sicue/

The DRAC Programme

The DRAC Programme was set up to foster mobility at all levels in the university communities of the institutions that belong to the Vives University Network.

The programme was designed to fund attendance at courses, seminars and conferences, visits to other universities’ services, the carrying out of research and projects, the possibility of taking one or several subjects at another university, and the running of other cultural activities. All of these activities are undertaken in the framework of the network of universities that have signed the agreement on the understanding that they will mutually acknowledge the activities carried out.

Know all about DRAC http://www.udl.es/ca/organs/vicerectors/vceu/ijlv/

Mobility students from abroad

The International Relations Office is the entrance door to the UdL where information and guidance is offered to facilitate the stay of mobility students from abroad in Lleida.

You can select your profile to find more information about international programmes on the International Relations Office (ORI) web page:


What are the UdL mobility programmes?

The need for university students to spend training periods in higher education institutions other than their own is becoming an educational imperative in a context of globalization and internationalization of cultural, economic and political flows.

In response to this need, this pogramme is based on a mutual understanding between the University of Lleida and the universities with which it has signed agreements.

It is guaranteed that students taking part in this programme have academic recognition of the courses studied abroad

For further information:
